Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The 'yammer, yammer' of the brain ~

I'm sitting here feeling absolutely exhausted in brain overload  ... yes again. The 'yammer yammer' stems from some long and solid days spent researching, learning and trying to problem solve!!

You know how it goes, questions and minute scraps of information race around the inside of your brain, creating the effect of non - stop internal dialogue!! Aargh!!

However what's worse, is the moment I quieten these, then songs from The phantom of the opera, start up !!
I put this DVD on whilst working away on the computer this past weekend, thinking a pleasant background noise. (I love the soundtrack, rich visual sets and costumes)

What a mistake!!!
Of course I was completely fascinated (again) with Gerard Butler playing the phantom and had to replay certain songs didn't I?  Big mistake.

Have you ever experienced that annoying habit when you can't get a song out of your head?
It's doing my head in I'm telling you!!

And so being a logical adult I know this shall pass, and of course then the mind can return to some silence when I attempt to quieten it!!

In the meantime, I'd better get my act together and start resolving or placing into context some of this current information 'overload'.

Far better to write it out than attempt to make sense of it inside my mind!!


  1. I usually hear "The Flintstones!" ;) LOL ...and you know I agree that it's better to 'write' it out!

  2. Oh Angela,
    hmmm 'Yabba dabba doo' ...now that's a little scary!!
    I'm loving your blog, tweets and RSS feeds!
    Yes writing it out is a wonderful and necessary 'tool'...essential to my well being that's for sure!!

    Thank you for your comment, so good to know it's not just me!!


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