You know what that and utter bliss...lock all the doors, close all the curtains, forget about doing any household jobs, cooking, mediating, negotiating, pacifying, name it....I am not home to the world!!
And it's been brilliant...I even chose to do basic household jobs, but because I was choosing to do them it felt good!!
I have been glued to the computer, tweaking and adjusting and reading and researching....oh I have had a wonderful time.....
Just like a teenager again, I've gone to bed when I wanted too, got up when I've chosen too, ................the only thing that has put a dampener on it....actually that's putting it mildly I've actually been forced to take it easy because the day they left was the day I came down with the flu.....aarrgh!!!
No not just a cold..that would be too easy wouldn't it...
I had to come down with the whole kit and caboodle...well it feels like it anyway!!
And no one here to make me a hot drink, feed my old terrier dog, know how it goes....
Boo hoo...who am I kidding...I must be delusional with fever to think I'd be looked after anyway by No.1 son....Ah well thank heavens for small mercies....I'm not looking after him !!
Thank you Steve...