Rants and Raves...

I love dogs and cats...I am an animal person....
We have had all manner of pets in the past when the children were growing up...mice, fish, kittens, cats, dogs...large breeds and small; even guinea pigs....but I never allowed a bird...
At the risk of offending...I think it is cruel to cage something that is meant to fly free....

But I deviate from my intended rant here....I love dogs...I have a 14 year old little terrier cross who was my daughters...until the responsibilities of ownership became a little too much and so she moved onto a kitten.....hence why she is 'my' dog.....

And I am absolutely thrilled about my son getting a dog....he needed a dog to love and care for and to be loved back....and actually he's brilliant with her (Just as he is with his 3 year old niece)....and he cares for her well...looks after her great...she obeys him.......perfect...except for one little thing....

She's huge (a German shepherd/Rottweiller )...and she's got the most wonderful personality and loves everyone from the 3 year old child to the old dog and everyone in between. She's just a big sook who loves cuddles...

However so far the damage is one torn in half curtain, one pair broken and chewed glasses, numerous pot plants decimated, number of shoes now unwearable, 3 ripped to shreds skirts of mine, 4 skirts torn whilst I was wearing them!!...........and the list goes on and on....

Yes I know she is only a puppy and I haven't been unduly harsh with either her or No.1 son....I do the daily pick up outside without complaining (that's because I am so grateful she's finally ...as of 2 weeks ago...learnt to go outside and not just anywhere she wanted too!!) and because she loves company I allow her into my room ( I live outside the house in a small 'bungalow') and I play with her, feed her, train her......

I love her dearly .... and I even accept the fact I need to wash my feet (but so does everyone else who visits )...and shoes because she gets so excited to see you; she pees all over you......

However...she is exhausting...it is just like having a toddler all over again (and I'm too old for that full time!!) ........and when I have the 3 year old grand daughter here as well.............I feel like a nervous wreck by the end of the day....I can't do my art work with either of them around or my studies.....aargh!!

I'd almost forgotten how 'challenging' it was to have little ones ...all the time!!!

And you wonder why I love the weekends or when they're all away so much!!

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